Get Ready: AI4Cities Bootcamp (23-24 September 2020)
23 SEPTEMBER (Mobility day)
9.00 Welcome (General call)
9.20 Mentoring (Team calls)
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Mentoring (Team calls)
16.30 Mentoring wrap-up (Mentors only call)
16.50 General wrap-up and next steps (General call)
24 SEPTEMBER (Energy day)
9.00 Welcome (General call)
9.20 Mentoring (Team calls)
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Mentoring (Team calls)
16.30 Mentoring wrap-up (Mentors only call)
16.50 General wrap-up and next steps (General call)
Materials - Bootcamp Info Webinar (03.09.2020)
Materials - OMC Webinar #1
- Introduction to the AI4Cities project. Kaisa Sibelius, Coordinator AI4Cities, Forum Virium Helsinki
- What is a Pre-Commercial Procurement process? Hugo Gonçalves, PCP Specialist, Forum Virium Helsinki
- Mobility challenge – City of Stavanger, Nils Henrik Haaland.
- Energy energy – City of Amsterdam, Anja Reimann and Mimi Eelman.
- Open AI for agile cities. Timo Ruohomäki, Programme Director, Forum Virium Helsinki
- Next steps
Webinar organised by Forum Virium Helsinki: 15 June 2020. Download presentations
Webinar organised by Stavanger (in Norwegian): 17 June 2020. Download presentations and send your feedback by completing this form, and sending it to Nils Henrik Haaland.
Webinar organised by Copenhagen: 25 June 2020. Watch video recording here.
Webinar organised by Amsterdam: 20 August 2020. Download the presentations here.
Request for Tenders Webinar no. 1: 15 December 2020. Download the presentations here.
Request for Tenders Webinar no. 2: 15 January 2021. Download the presentations here.
Request for Tenders Webinar no. 3: 10 February 2021. Download the presentations here: