It is hard to meet cities’ current energy needs through only renewable energy sources in a timeframe given by cities' climate goals. Therefore, it is essential that cities use energy more efficiently by enabling deeper analysis for all technical systems at a city scale. The idea of energy efficiency is to make better use of energy without decreasing the quality of life by prioritizing essential energy needs and reducing the amount of energy needed to satisfy current needs. Solutions to improve energy efficiency in building portfolios and similar large energy consuming assets can lower the overall energy consumption and reduce the usage of peak power plants that produce CO2.
Addressable problem areas (non-exhaustive list):
- Energy refurbishment prioritization
Prioritising strategies for the refurbishment of buildings can be hard to navigate, as it is hard to find the most effective strategz. Using existing data on the building materials and various other data of the actual usage of buildings could provide a prioritization tool of efforts with regard to energy savings, including physical climate screening such as windows, roofs and walls.
- Optimising energy usage of buildings and assets
Every technical installation within a building uses energy. While most receive scheduled maintenance, different needs based on activity levels and actual usage are often not considered. At the same time the energy profiles of buildings are not taking various public (e.g. computers) or private (e.g. mobile phones) assets into consideration even though they produce a lot of energy consumption. The consequences of inefficient maintenance and unaccounted assets using energy are higher CO2 emissions and higher economic costs as the installations run ineffectively. Using AI, it may be possible to define indicators that can inform and engage procedures that optimise the energy usage or redefine the energy profiles of the building by taking into account the assets.
Every larger technical installation and building has its own Management System, which gathers large amounts of operational data. When these systems send signals that some equipment is failing to operate it can be hard to pinpoint where the problem is. It is therefore needed to create smart maintenance procedures that define indicators on specific installations for when maintenance is needed, and automatically engage a maintenance procedure thereby reducing energy needs to the planned levels.
- Lack of energy efficient construction of buildings
During the construction of new buildings (including materials used) huge amounts of energy are used. Construction projects could often be much more energy efficient.
- Citizens and other private building owners are not aware how and/or lack motivation to use energy more efficiently
Majority of the estates and houses in the cities are privately owned and have a need for light and easily maintained energy consumption optimisation solutions. Raising the awareness of citizens and engaging them in the low-carbon city transition will also enhance the social acceptance of interventions and maximize environmental impacts.
- Industries are not aware how or it is not profitable for them to use energy more efficiently
Industries use vast amounts of energy and they might not always have the incentives or the awareness to be more energy efficient.