AVENUE has developed an AI-powered decision support tool that allows cities to measure and monitor the reduction of the carbon footprint derived from different shared mobility regulatory frameworks and policy strategies. The initiative seeks to respond to the pressing need of city leaders and policymakers of a data-driven solution that can help them take measurable and up-to-date decisions related to the implementation of smart mobility systems from a climate change mitigation perspective.

The AVENUE project exploits the information provided by two existing solutions for collecting and leveraging geolocated big data: Nommon’s Mobility Analytics solution, which processes the registers from mobile network data and other geolocated sources to provide actionable insights about people’s activity and mobility patterns, and Populus’ Mobility Manager, which enables cities to gather and analyse the data that mobility operators share with authorities to manage the enforcement of regulatory measures. The combination of this information with other data sources available by cities will be used to develop demand prediction models capable of simulating the modal choice process around shared mobility services and the way these modal choices can be influenced by different regulatory strategies. The outcome of these models will serve to evaluate the carbon footprint effects of different possible measures.
Avenue & AI4Cities
AI4Cities has proven to be a very fertile environment for the development of a tool like AVENUE, both in terms of funding and of interaction with relevant stakeholders. It has allowed us to gather direct feedback from the end-users that has been incorporated into the first prototype. The cities’ involvement has been extremely valuable for further defining the solution development roadmap, covering more functionalities and relevant aspects considered by cities to become carbon neutral: NOx and PM emissions, mobility hubs location, no-parking zones, etc. AI4Cities has also been an enabling platform to learn about the Buyers Group’s experience with novel mobility data sources –like those used in AVENUE– and to collect key data available from cities. The adaptability of the tool to the data landscape in each city has proven to be a crucial element for shortening the solution's time-to-market.
Avenue has been developed by a consortium of Nommon and Populus. Nommon is a technology company that develops and provides decision support solutions based on big data and artificial intelligence. Nommon is specialised in the analysis of mobility data for the planning and management of transport and traffic systems. The company is a pioneer in Europe in the study of mobility through anonymised records from mobile phone network.
Populus helps cities and private mobility providers deliver safe, efficient, and equitable streets. The Populus platform is the only comprehensive digital solution that empowers cities to manage their streets and curbs—with access to mobility data from shared bike, scooter, moped and carsharing operators, and delivery services.