Paris Region update: Sobriety as a shared and engaging commitment

16 June 2020

Paris Region update: Sobriety as a shared and engaging commitment

Energy x Climate — A clear and ambitious vision
Paris Region energy-climate strategy voted on 3rd July 2018 has set a clear vision: sobriety, renewable energy production and reduction of our dependence on fossil fuels.

To reach its energy and climate goals the region has decided to work on its energy sobriety by reducing its energy consumptions. The massive development of renewable energy is now the priority with special attention given to the innovation capabilities of the region’s actors, and the development of the territory as an experimentation hub for emerging technologies. The cities are encouraged to foster local initiatives as driving forces to achieve the common goals.

By 2030, the region intends to reduce by 50% its dependence on fossils fuels and nuclear power compared to the 2015 ‘s situation by taking action to decrease energy consumption and greatly increase the development of renewable energies.
By 2050, the objective is to move towards a100% renewable and zero carbon region by reducing regional energy consumption by 40% and increasing the amount of renewable energy produced by the region.

Having admitted its energy-consumptive default, the region is now dedicated to commit with its strong strategy and join forces to set innovative experimentations for energy and climate achievements.

Joining forces with AI4CITIES
Paris Region has joined the EU-funded AI4Cities project and its partners with the ambition of working closely with companies able to provide AI solutions which can answer the CO2 emission reduction challenge. The region participation will be represented by Cap Digital, the first European cluster for digital transformation and ecological transition.

In order to support cities' climate goals and digitalisation strategies, AI4Cities will be looking for unique and innovative AI solutions able to help cities to reach their climate goals in two major domains: ENERGY and MOBILITY via a challenge-based pre-commercial-procurement competition.

CAP Digital’s role will be to involve the French ecosystem by addressing different key stakeholders:

  • Cities and other public procurement organizations within Paris Region, interested in potential take up of the solutions developed and willing to join the project on Cap Digital’s side.
  • Companies, developers and consortiums with innovative ideas for innovative or disruptive new digital-based solutions, based on AI & other Emerging Technologies.
  • Others with an interest in promoting entrepreneurship, climate change, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, etc.

Some examples of challenges which will be addressed in collaboration with the participant stakeholders:


  • Public Buildings energy retrofitting
  • Definition of the strategy for the development of renewable energies in the territory
  • Smart-Grid


  • Optimisation and digitalisation of direct sales for food supply
  • Mobility as a service

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