AI4Cities Request for Tenders Webinar - Beyond the state of the art with the cities
10 February 2021, 14:00 - 16:15
The six cities in Ai4Cities have all set specific targets for when they want to become carbon neutral. In AI4Cities they are going through a Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) looking for innovative solutions which utilise AI to help them accelerate their transition to carbon neutrality and make their climate change interventions more effective than ever. Are you a supplier who can help them?
In the third Request for Tenders webinar AI4Cities is organising the six cities outline their needs and challenges and the conditions that successful solutions have to meet. Do you have any questions for the cities? You can ask them at webinar, or in advance. Register here and let us know if you have any questions. You can also send questions via
This is the link to the event.
We are looking forward to see you in 10.2!
The presentation slides can be found here
Webinar agenda
14:00 AI4Cities' Request for Tenders in nutshell
14:20 City of Amsterdam (10 min presentation + 5 min questions)
14:35 City of Copenhagen
14:50 City of Tallinn
15:05 Paris Region
15:20 City of Stavanger
15:35 City of Helsinki
15:50 Questions
Image (Pixabay) by "Angelo_GIordano", licensed under Pixabay License
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