AI4Cities coaching webinar

26 January 2021, 13:00 - 15:00

AI4Cities coaching webinar

Final part of AI4Cities Bootcamp is a coaching webinar. In this webinar we will go through theory and practice of public bidding, share some hints and tips on how to make the best offer and will go through Ai4Cities PCP application step by step. There will be some time for open questions as well.

Join us on 26th of January 13-15 CET!

If you have any questions about the AI4Cities project itself, please visit or ask In this webinar we will concentrate on the application from Industryhack’s perspective.

Watch the recording here. The presentation slides can be found here.

Questions asked during the webinar

  1. Who will have IPR on the product created during the project?
    IPRs will belong to the company, but the Buyers Group has a right to use to solution royalty-free for a certain time, which will be agreed later.
  2. How long can the buyers group members use the solution royalty free?
    It will be agreed separately in each case after the project, if the project has passed to Phase 3.
  3. Is it advised to include some information in form E that is otherwise confidential? It could help in making the proposal more convincing, but is there a risk. How is the information in Form E treated by the procurrer? Is it protected?
    Form E and its contents will not be made public, but will be seen by the Buyers Ggroup members and the evaluators who will sign a NDA.
  4. Will price be given a lot of weight in the tender?
    The weight of price is 10% of the total score (mentioned in Tender Document 1)
  5. In Form C it says that the requirements are assessed as pass/fail but some of the requirements are vague, for instance when it says to "provide a number of short CVs". How many CVs are considered sufficient?
    We are asking CVs of the core team members - those whose contribution is crucial to the succesful implementation of the project. 
  6. If a solution addresses one of the "addressable problems" (e.g., the proposal addresses "Lack of motivation among citizens to change their habits, due to low awareness of the impact of their mobility choices on their carbon footprint"), but it is not specifically framed as one of the subchallenges (e.g., the proposal is not a "Mobility-as-a-service solution"). Is that solution welcome?
    Yes, the solution is welcome. The sub-challenges and their addresseble problem areas are there to describe and give examples of cities' current needs. You're free to select and combine suitable sub-challenges and problem areas for your solution. There is also the wild card option, which allows any kind of solution.
  7. Should the solutions developed be white label or open source? Is it acceptable if the solution works only with another technology from a specific company?
    Solutions (or their parts) are not required to be open source, but it can be beneficial in the evaluation
  8. In the tender document 1 - pag 31 it is said : "The definition of services means that the value of the total amount of products covered by the contract must be less than 50% of the total value of the PCP framework agreement". Does this mean that the activities/products produced are 100% funded or not?
    Because PCP is a R&D instrument the main focus of the activities has to be in research and development which means work (personnel cost). Some equipment or hardware costs can be included when they are necessary to implement the solution or execute the pilot. Production can be only some test examples, not real production.
  9. To what kind of third parties could the Buyers Club grant licenses to commercially exploit the results?
    Third parties can be e.g. transportation companies owned by the cities.
  10. It is mentioned in Form C that "The references should be recent and should have been finalized during the last five years." Can ongoing projects be considered as references for the tender?
    Yes, ongoing projects can be considered as references.
  11. Could you list a series of advantages of having partners during the R&D process?
    There are no advantages or disadvantages to being consortium or a single tenderer. It depends on the needed skills and how the team is built.
  12. Can you explain what the following means? "a financial compensation valuing the transfer of ownership of the IPRs generated during the PCP to the Tenderer, by giving an absolute value for the price reduction between the price offered ("Actual Price") in the tender compared to the exclusive development price (the "Virtual Price" i.e. the price that would have been quoted if the IPR ownership would have been kept by the Buyers Group)."
    The Actual price is the price for the Buyers Group and it does not include IPRs. The Virtual price is the so called market price with IPRs included.
  13. Can answers to questions be emailed to participants?
    In a public procurement questions and answers are to be published along with the general procurement documentation, and thus become part of the tender documentation openly avaiable.
  14. "IPRs will belong to the company but the buyers group have a right to use to solution royalty free for a certain time." Will the appropraite royalty-free period be determined unilaterally by the Buyers Club or will there be a negotiation with the Suppliers. Will the Supplier have the right to refuse a period that they judge is not "appropriate" from their point of view?
    The Buyers Group's right for royalty-free use is one part of the PCP argreement, but the length will be negotiated to be reasonable in each case. 
  15. Is there some preference among frameworks to calculate CO2 reduction?
    There is no inherent preference. You can explain why your chosen framework(s) is/are good/better than others.
  16. What kind of documentation, if any, is needed to prove that all consortium members approve the bid?
    All partners and subcontractors are to be presented in FORM A: GENERAL TENDER SUBMISSION AND POWER OF ATTORNEY

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