AI4Cities FAQ

17 February 2021

AI4Cities FAQ

Suppliers are increasingly asking Ai4Cities relevant questions about the Request for Tender, the PCP and the project in general. From now on we will provide weekly updates of the most recent questions and answers. Please see here the overview for the week of 15.02:

-Where should we provide the info in the forms?
The forms are in the Word format and you can fill in the information after/below the questions. Please upload the forms in PDF format and add your company name/acronym in the file name.

-Form D, Section B: does this also apply to subcontractors or only for the tenderer?
In the beginning of the form D are the following instructions: 1. This form should be submitted by the Tenderer or the Lead Tenderer in the case of a consortium. 2. In the case of this Tender being submitted by a consortium, these compliance criteria will be applied to the consortium as a whole. 3. Responses to these questions will be assessed as pass/fail. Only those bids achieving a “pass” will be considered for further evaluation.

-Form C requests "short CVs" for team members- is this meant to be a standard resume/cv for the individuals, or is it expected to be a narrative paragraph/biography of team members, highlighting why they are relevant to the project?
Please select the CV format which best describes your core team members and their expertise.

-Do subcontractors have to list their pre-existing rights as well?
The subcontrators enter into an agreement with you and their IPRs are part of that agreement.

-Is it possible to formulate adjustment suggestions on the AI4Cities PCP framework agreement in the current tendering phase?
In open procedure type procurements, tender specifications and model contracts (e.g. the framework agreement) are not negotiable. The agreement is the basic PCP Framework Agreement model required by the EC.

-Is there a minimum and/or maximum page limit for Form E?
There are no minimum page limits. The maximum page limits are mentioned in Tender Document 1, Appendix 7. For Form E the max page limit is 30 pages in Phase 1.
-It is mentioned that the piloting should take place in two cities. Does it affect positively the quality of the evaluation if the solution is deployed in more than two cities (let's say 3 or 4 of the Buyers Group)?
It hasn't been determined yet if and how piloting in more than 2 cities would affect the evaluation in the later Phases of the project, but it could be considered beneficial in Phases 2 and 3. At least it would be a good sign of scalability and interoperability.

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