AI4EU Launches its New AI4EU Platform

16 July 2021

AI4EU Launches its New AI4EU Platform

AI4EU has launching its new platform: The new plaform is enabling ease of access for users to utilise and contribute AI information, assets, and resources to the European AI ecosystem.

After months of efforts following an open development concept, the new version of AI4EU is now publicly accessible to all, enabling ease of use for a larger European AI ecosystem and interested partners.

The old platform will stay online, but all the contributions will be blocked (assets, discussions, profiles etc.). Users of the old Platform will see an editorial note pointing them to the new domain. Assets have been migrated from the current platform to the new one

In the last month, more than four thousand users on the old platform received two emails from the AI4EU team informing what happens to their provided data on the old platform and the minimal information required to access and make the most out of the new platform, which is operational for all since 20 May.

For the users of the old platform, the following personal data will be erased in pursuance of the principle of data minimisation: civil status, mobile phone, country, organization, organization type, job title, profile type, biography, areas of interest, publications in the discussion, the group, and the organization sections.

The users of the old platform were informed to contact the AI4EU team at if they have any question or wish to exercise any of the rights granted by the GDPR.

Meanwhile, the new platform only requires a valid email, a first name and the last name for registration to use all available services and offers available to users.

On this milestone, AI4EU would like to thank our users of the old platform for their trust and for sharing their AI ideas, concerns, news, assets, and others with the ecosystem in the past few years. AI4EU is looking forward to welcoming you to explore our services, offerings, and AI assets on our new platform at:

Image (AI4EU)

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