Public procurement specialists meet the market – market engagement strategies and the example of AI
12 October 2021, 14:30 - 16:00
- online
This European Week of Regions and Cities session will highlight where and how public procurement meets the market A key aspect of successful public procurement of innovation is to encourage innovative (small and medium-sized) companies to bid for tenders. The projects AI4Cities, Urban Agenda and Procure2Innovate have gathered practical experience in engaging the market and want to share those resources. audience. Their practical experience will be complemented by the scientific perspective of Willem Janssen, associate professor at the Utrecht University.
14:30 Opening words
Kaisa Sibelius (Coordinator AI4Cities, Forum Virium Helsinki)
Marlene Grauer (Coordinator Procure2Innovate, BME)
14:50 Moderated interview with pre-set questions
Kaisa Sibelius
Willem Janssen (Associate professor European and Dutch Public Procurement law, Centre for Public Procurement, School of Law, Utrecht University)
Valentina Schippers-Opejko (Coordinator Urban Agenda Partnership, City of Haarlem)
Robert Miskuf (CEO Pedal Consulting)
15:15: Moderated interview with social media questions
Kaisa Sibelius
Willem Janssen
Valentina Schippers-Opejko
Robert Miskuf
15:30: Moderated interview with questions from participants
Kaisa Sibelius
Willem Janssen
Valentina Schippers-Opejko
Robert Miskuf
15:45: Presentation of resources for market engagement
16:00: Ending
Given that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, input from attendees will be highly appreciated. There will be a lot of interaction and no PowerPoint presentations! You are also very welcome to ask us any questions on social media: Contact us with your questions at AI4CitiesEU, Procureinno or ICELI_Procure.
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More information on the EWRC can be found here
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