13 October 2022, 10:00 - 12:00
Amsterdam - Kattenburgerstraat 5, Commandantswoning
What have the cities learned and how have they benefited from the PCP process? During this event, the cities that have been part of AI4Cities will share their knowledge, experiences, expectations and conclusions from their three-year PCP journey.
This hybrid seminar is open for all who are interested in learning more about PCP. Join online here
9:30 Coffee
- Welcome and introduction, Kaisa Sibelius, FVH
- Open Market consultation and defining the challenges for the tender, Nils Henrik Haaland, City of Stavanger
- Designing selection criteria and the evaluation process, Petteri Rekomaa, FVH
- Piloting: challenges and overcoming them, Timo Määttä, City of Helsinki & Margot De Caminel, Cap Digital
- PCP’s Benefits for Cities, Tina Hjøllund, City of Copenhagen.
- PCP experiences of Fabulos project, Renske Martijens-Hartikka, FVH
12:00 Lunch
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